Your organization probably has a mix of Windows and Macintosh computers, netbooks, and Tablets. Independent, peer reviewed research demonstrates that students using Pixie showed significant gains compared to their peers who did not use Pixie. Pixie is a great tool for self-expressionĬombining artwork with text and voice recording makes Pixie the perfect canvas for today’s digital learners, and gives students powerful tools to create original work that demonstrates understanding. Pixie helps all students produce high-level work, providing a sense of pride in their abilities and fostering the determination to achieve. Project work with Pixie engages students in the curriculum and helps you meet the goals of the Common Core Standards. EngageĬreating with technology appeals to diverse learners with a variety of learning styles, and encourages thinking, creativity, and communication skills. If your organization uses Windows and Macintosh computers, netbooks, iPads or Android tablets, there is a Pixie solution for you. Pixie is exciting creativity software students can use to share ideas, imagination, and understanding through a combination of text, original artwork, voice narration, and images. Students love using Pixie to create curriculum projects!